I had a rawther extraordinary two days with Eloise at The Plaza in New York. Yes, afternoon tea was served along with lemonade and we talked about everything from how to hold a tea cup to how to eat a finger sandwich.  Families from Venezuela to Australia attended.

I asked the question “When do you use good manners?” and a young lady (about 6 years old) spoke up and said, “When you want something.”  Of course we all laughed.  Children are so honest.

I enjoy my time with Eloise and the children I encounter.  It is always a memorable experience.  Join us next time.


"Charm School"


"The Eloise Boutique"

"Tea in the Eloise Boutique"

"The Eloise Boutique"
Click here to learn more about manners programs for children.
Click here to learn more about a private etiquette instruction.