Independence: What Does It Mean To You?

Business Etiquette Training
WSJ Magazine


The Wall Street Journal Magazine interviewed six luminaries and asked them to weigh in on their thoughts about independence.  They interviewed Jonathan Adler, interior designer to Richard Ford, author of Independence Day.

A favorite was from Diane Von Furstenberg.  She said independence is the most important thing in her life.  Her mother was in a concentration camp, survived and Diane was born in America. Diane’s mother instilled in her that fear is not an option and the most important thing was to be independent. Diane absolutely found her independence through her business.  She is living the American dream.  To read more about Diane Von Furstenberg, click here.

What does independence mean to you?

To find out what independence means to the other five luminaries, click here to read the article.

As always, thanks for reading and have a nice holiday.


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