7 Corporate Etiquette Success Tips for Today’s Millennial


Are you a Millennial in the corporate world? Millennials, people born between 1980-1996, are brimming with genuineness and deep feelings which makes them of great value in the workplace. Millennials can quickly gain respect from their coworkers and superiors when they make proper office etiquette a priority.  This respect can give a platform from which Millennials can share their innovative ideas.

If you are a Millennial searching for guidance in workplace etiquette, you can begin with these seven tips:


Dress appropriately. It can be hard to break out of the casual, comfortable image you are used to displaying. But in the workplace, professionalism trumps comfort. Leave the sweats, t-shirts, sleeveless dresses, and bright colors for the weekend.


Show up on time ready to work. Arriving ten minutes early is even better. Showing up early shows responsibility and trustworthiness.


Introductions break the awkwardness. If it is up to you to introduce people, use full names. If someone is brought to your work space to be introduced to you, stand while being introduced. A handshake and smile during the greeting is both warm and professional.


Put away your phone. Being on your phone during a meeting is distracting to you and to others who are wondering what you are doing. Put it on silent and place it out of sight.


Respond to emails. No one knows whether or not you received a memo or instructions unless you hit reply. Using proper grammar and sentence structure in your reply shows professionalism.


Watch your mouth. Four letter words and slang terms give off a careless tone which leaves people wondering about the quality of your work. Also refrain from gossiping both in the spoken word and the written word.


Keep your workspace clean and organized. Put your supplies away as soon as you are finished with them.  Your coworkers should not find a trail of your belongings throughout the office scattered everywhere from the lunch room to the printer tray. Leave no trace!


What other etiquette tips would you like to share with the Millennials in your office? Millennials, what have you gained in the workplace by following proper etiquette? Comment below.

If you would like the Millennials in your office to be trained in corporate etiquette, contact me. My training can benefit the whole office as Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials work together.

If you are interested in learning more about a business etiquette training session for your team, I invite you to have a conversation.

Business Casual Dress Code

Whether we decide to work together or not, I am confident our call will be full of insights.

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“In a business where relationships mean everything, Lisa provided our team with very practical tools to develop a polished, professional and authentic personal brand.”

Amy Weeden

Managing Director + Co-Founder
Propeller Consulting

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November 21, 2024 |
 business etiquette, business etiquette corporate trainer, business etiquette speaker


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