A few weeks ago the most well written email appeared and I could not wait to respond. How often does that happen?
Why not strive to send a creative and well thought out email to your clients and coworkers?
Here are a few email etiquette templates and tips to contemplate:
Email Etiquette Tips and Templates
Template # 1
It is always a great idea to let your team and manager know where you stand on your plans for the week. It is good leadership. Your team will all be on the same page. Think win/win for all involved.
This is just a quick snapshot of my activities and projects for the week in order of importance.
Let me know if I should shift or change my priorities.
- Complete project ABC
- Analyze data from last week’s meeting
- Send out the stats report to the sales team
Other items that I will start and not be able to complete until next week:
- List of blog ideas for the tech team
- Website maintenance review
Do you have any questions?
Thank you.
Template # 2
Having to say no in an email may cause us to procrastinate. Don’t. The recipient will appreciate the fact that they have an answer and they can now move forward with other opportunities. Just send the email. This template will help.
How to say “no” in an email
Dear Sue,
Thanks for your interest in writing articles for our online magazine. I appreciate your time and talent. Unfortunately, we will not be able to use it.
Actually, we have received more submissions than we ever expected. That means we have to turn away many talented writers. I wish this were not the case. With so much information about this topic we feel it is not necessary to include it at this time. Our mission has changed at the moment.
Thanks again for your time and submission.
Template # 3
If you have the solution to a problem, be creative and prompt in the reply.