My Business Etiquette Travels Lately

My Business Etiquette Travels Lately

Are you interested in joining me in using a new hashtag? #BusinessEtiquetteWillTravel The first few months of this year have been very busy for me with business etiquette travel.   As a speaker, my days were long and I loved every second.  All of my clients...

A Polished Woman

A polished woman pays attention to the details. Being a polished woman takes intention and awareness. Would like to up level your image?  Today’s article has easy action steps you can do now to polish your style. How to Be a Polished Woman Walk into a room as if...

Business Etiquette Philadelphia Pop-Up

First, I have a confession to make. I love to travel -even today. I am sure you have heard about travel delays, lost luggage – and yes, it happened to me a few weeks ago. I still love it and always will. There is something about boarding a plane and heading to a...