How to Eat Bread

Business Etiquette Training

Soft, crusty or slathered with butter, most of us absolutely love bread.  The question is, do you know how to eat it….correctly?  If you are taking a client to lunch, heading out for a job interview or getting ready for a date, you need to read this now.  There is a correct way of eating bread.  This is one of the most common dining mistakes.  If you are not sure and want to make a good first impression, continue reading.  What if it is a pastry, muffin or a piece of toast?  All of your questions are answered.

How to Eat Bread

table manners

When the bread basket is passed your way, take out that delicious and warm slice and place it on your bread plate ( by the way, the bread plate is located on your left). As the dish of butter is passed, place some on your bread plate. Now what?  Tear off a bite/moderate sized piece, butter the piece on the edge of the plate, and eat it.  That’s right, eat your bread one  piece at a time.  Do not butter the entire slice and eat it like a sandwich.

business etiquette table manners


Breakfast Pastries, Toast and Muffins

How to Eat Bread

  • Breakfast pastries such as cinnamon rolls and cream cheese danishes need to be cut in half or quarters with a knife.  You may eat these with your fingers but if they are messy you can always use a fork.
  • Butter the entire half of an english muffin and add jam if you like.  You may cut this in half and then  pick it up and eat it with your fingers.
  • Muffins (blueberry, pecan, etc.) need to be cut in half, buttered and then eaten a half at a time.
  • Croissants are eaten with your fingers.  Break off a portion and enjoy.
  • Toast and biscuits may be buttered entirely and eaten.

Thank you to Whole Foods for allowing me to take photos of their bread department.

How to eat bread

By the way, what is your favorite butter?  At my house, we are big fans of Kerrygold’s Irish Salted Butter.

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“In a business where relationships mean everything, Lisa provided our team with very practical tools to develop a polished, professional and authentic personal brand.”

Amy Weeden

Managing Director + Co-Founder
Propeller Consulting

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November 21, 2024 |
 business etiquette, business etiquette corporate trainer, business etiquette speaker


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