Recently, I was asked by the popular blog, Fabulous After 40 to write a post for their site. Of course, I was thrilled. See my article below about posture. Having good posture is important at any age.
The Importance of Good Posture
Have you ever heard the saying “an outfit is only as stunning as the woman who is wearing it”? Part of being fabulous is being confident and comfortable in your own skin. One of the many pluses of a certain age is the beautiful gift of wisdom and confidence that it brings.
I love to people watch. Yes, I observe what people are wearing and the way they are groomed, but I really like to see the way people carry themselves. Are they walking by, buried in their cell phone? Or are their shoulders down, head held high and walking with purpose? If so, they have my attention. I am enamored without even speaking to them.
Years ago, (even before I became an etiquette expert), I was in the West Palm Beach airport. I was waiting at my gate. I looked up from my book and a woman caught my eye. She was quite a distance down the concourse from where I was sitting, but I could not take my eyes off her. She had such an aura. It wasn’t her outfit that caught my attention. It was the way she was carrying herself. Such pride. Such confidence. Such purpose. I loved the way she walked. I loved how she was looking forward, with her shoulders squared, and her smile. She was fully present. As she got closer, I recognized her. Yes, she was a movie star, but I didn’t notice that until she was close enough for me to get a really good look. It was Susan Lucci. I have never been one to watch soap operas, but I recognized her from magazine photos. Wow, what a presence she has! That was over fifteen years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday. What an inspiration.
So, the good news is, it doesn’t cost anything to have good posture! It isn’t rocket science either. To have good posture you must pull your shoulders down, not back, and elongate your spine. Hold your head high. Smile.
Try it. Walk in a room with your most perfect posture. Show off your confidence, style and the fact that you know you are very comfortable in your own skin. Nothing can stand in your way!
Now, go ahead, channel your inner Susan Lucci.

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