Avoid this When You Are First Starting Out as a Business Etiquette Speaker
You may be asking yourself so many questions right now. You want to be a business etiquette speaker/trainer but you don’t know where to start.
You have a strong lead and a company wants to book you for a virtual session.
Where do you begin? How much do you charge? How do you know what content to deliver?
Do you ask them? Should you already know?
Here is what you need to avoid: overwhelm! Do not get overwhelmed.
Your potential new client does not want you to get overwhelmed. Trust me, they can sense it.
They need someone that can deliver the message to their team.
Here is What You Need as a Business Etiquette Speaker/Trainer:
Confidence: Confidence in yourself and the content you deliver
Time Management: Schedule the work you need to do directly into your calendar. This is a lifesaver. Start with a list. This needs to be detailed. Schedule the projects/task directly into your calendar. Throw away the list. Work from your calendar.
Your Fees: What are you worth? What do you offer to the participants? Your worth is what you say it is.
Organize your message: Do you know about MindMapping? This is an excellent method for gathering your thoughts. I have mind mapped for years. I use it to write emails, organize projects and of course my speaking engagements.
Our new business etiquette speaker toolkit helps you to organize your message. Download the kit by clicking here or the image below.
Have You Downloaded Our New Business Etiquette Speaker Toolkit?
![Business Etiquette Certification](https://americanetiquette.com/wp-content/uploads/BE-BLOG-Image-min-scaled-1.jpg)
Your Next Steps To Learn More about Becoming Certified in Business Etiquette
![Step 1](https://americanetiquette.com/wp-content/uploads/step-1.png)
Most likely, you are interested in getting to know me. Would you like to set a time to speak? A video call is also an option!
Click on one of the links below and let me know your preference. One link is to set a time to speak, the other link will connect us via email.
![Step 2](https://americanetiquette.com/wp-content/uploads/step-2.png)
We offer two training options.
One option is to train in-person, the other is a virtual training. Both trainings are very personal.
If you choose the in-person, we will mutually agree upon the dates and the location. Most major cities are available (Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Charlotte, etc.).
The virtual training is “live” via video. Again, we mutually decide on the dates. Most choose to have their trainings once a week, others twice. This is NOT self-guided. We work together every step of the way.
The cost of the license, certification and training is $4400 (virtual or in-person)
A benefit of the virtual training option is YOU save on travel costs.
To see what is included, click here to discover all the details. We are very proud and share what our materials look like and who our corporate clients are.
![Step 3](https://americanetiquette.com/wp-content/uploads/step-3.png)
I help you launch your new business. I am with you every step of the way.