When and How to Write a Thank You Note

Never underestimate the power of a thank you note.  A well-written and timely thank you note will set you apart from the crowd.  Trust me.  Many hiring managers are amazed at an applicants lack of follow-up.  If you don’t follow-up, many assume you are just not interested or lack leadership skills.

Thank You Notes for Business 

How should I follow-up after a job interview?  There is not a black and white answer to this question.  You need to consider the industry, after all it is 2012.  So much is changing, and you certainly want to be top of mind and remembered.  Email is now an acceptable tool to follow-up.  How did the company contact you?  If you corresponded with someone there via email to set up the initial process, then sending a thank you note electronically is acceptable. There are advantages to sending an email.  It puts your name in front of the interviewer within hours of your meeting and this form of correspondence makes it easier for someone to respond to you.  However, follow-up by snail mail with a typed letter on good quality paper.  This shows your interest, attention to detail, and professionalism.  This action will certainly make you memorable. If the company is more formal, then most definetly follow-up by snail mail.

Building Business Relationships

The low-tech option of handwriting a thank  you note in such a high-tech world packs a powerful punch in the business world.  Isn’t it nice to see a letter enclosed in a nice envelope with your address handwritten?  I always open them first. It gets my attention. Writing a note is always about the connection.

Thank You Notes for Gifts

Sending a handwritten thank you note for a gift is a must.  An email is not appropriate.  If you find that UPS has made a delivery from your Aunt, it is perfectly fine to make a quick phone call to let her know you received the beautiful sweater, but you must follow-up with a handwritten note.

A handwritten note should not be a novel.  A few sentences is all that is necessary.  Always mention the gift and how you plan to use it.

Whether via email or handwritten, notes/letters are an important part of your first impression or personal brand.  For more information and help with landing your next job, click here.

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If you are interested in becoming certified to teach manners to children, click here.



“In a business where relationships mean everything, Lisa provided our team with very practical tools to develop a polished, professional and authentic personal brand.”

Amy Weeden

Managing Director + Co-Founder
Propeller Consulting

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November 21, 2024 |
 business etiquette, business etiquette corporate trainer, business etiquette speaker


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