How to Write a Thank You Note for a Wedding Gift

Sample of a thank you note for a wedding gift

Yes, you must handwrite your thank you notes for shower and wedding gifts. With that said, here are tips on everything you need to know about writing thank you notes.  Trust me, it is easier than you think.  The good news is,  the note only needs to be about 4 or 5 sentences. Writing a novel is not necessary.


Tips for Writing Thank You Notes for a Wedding Gift:


  1.  Prepare.  Keep the list you used for your invitations handy.  This will be very useful when sending thank you notes.  Set up a place to record/log each gift and who sent it to you. When you open the gift, immediately record it.
  2. Go for the good stuff.  Buy quality stationery for your thank you notes.  You may choose two options.  One, for the notes you will write before you are married (think wedding shower gifts) and the second set with your new name on it.  After the wedding you can also use a monogrammed stationery with your married name.
  3. Use a great pen.  A roller-ball or fountain pen with blue or black ink is a really good idea.
  4. Set up a pretty place that is comfortable and dedicate it to writing your thank you notes.  Send a few a day.  Don’t let it pile up.  No one wants to sit down on a Saturday afternoon and write over 100 hundred notes.  That is a a daunting task.
  5. Ideally, write the notes within two weeks of receiving the gift but no later than three months.  The bride and groom can divide the list.
  6. When writing the note, identify the gift, write why you appreciate it and how you plan to use it.  If an aunt traveled from a long distance mention your appreciation for her attendance.
  7. If  the gift was cash, there is no need to mention the amount, just that you appreciate it and how you are going to spend it.  For example, you may have your eye on a new espresso machine, or a grand toaster.
  8. How you sign off needs to reflect your relationship with the person.  If it is family, “Love, Anna” will do. If it is a business connection, “Sincerely” may be more appropriate.

Example of a Thank You Note for a Wedding Gift

Dear Aunt Jane,

Mark and I have big plans for entertaining in our new home.  Thanks to you, we now have a new espresso machine.  We are having friends over next weekend so it will get a lot of use.

It was great seeing you at our wedding.  Thanks for making the trip.



 Samples of a thank you note for a wedding gift

The above wedding photos are from Victoria Elizabeth Barnes’ wedding.  Victoria is a fellow blogger.  We met not too long ago at a blogging conference.  She is remodeling a victorian home and chronicles her adventures.  Oh, and don’t forget to check out her Pinterest page.  It is one of my favorites.

Now, get busy and get your notes done!

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Propeller Consulting

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November 21, 2024 |
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