How to Write a Thank You Note for Graduation Gifts

Ahh….you have graduated.  Now what do you do about all the gifts received during the festivities?  Don’t fret and procrastinate.  The American Academy of Etiquette is here to make life easy for you.

Ten Tips for Writing a Thank You Note for Graduation Gifts

  1. Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a handwritten note in the mail? Handwriting a thank you note is the difference between feeling appreciation and showing gratitude.  Just think about it this way, the person giving you the gift spent the time to find the perfect  item, spent the money, wrapped it and possibly mailed it.  Take the time to sit down and write a short thoughtful note.
  2. If  handwriting is not your strong point, then print it.  Do the best you can, but write the note.  An email for a gift is not appropriate or enough of a gesture.
  3. The good news:  A thank you note should only be 3 or 4 sentences.  Keep it brief.
  4. Mention the gift and how you will use it.  If the gift is cash or a check it is optional to mention the amount.
  5. Be natural and conversational with your writing style.
  6. You may use personalized stationery, fold over notes or correspondence cards.  The correspondence cards are my favorite.  Short and sweet, the dimensions are 6 3/4 x 4 1/4.  The size keeps you to the point.  They are perfect  for all types of notes.  Only write on the front of the card, never continue on the back.
  7. For the recipient, the note is a “stand in” for you.   Choose your stationery with intention.  Use note cards that are tasteful and clean.
  8. You can also write a note of thanks for attending the ceremony. Never forget to write a note of thanks for a special gesture or action by someone.
  9. Handwrite a thank you note even if you have told someone “thank you” in person or by phone.
  10. Mail  your note as soon as you write it.

Here is an example of a note expressing gratitude for attendance and a cash gift for graduation:


Thank You Note for Graduation Gift
Thank You Note for Graduation



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November 21, 2024 |
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