Etiquette Speaker and Your About Page
Do you know why your business etiquette speaker story is so important? Are you open to sharing it with your audience? And…when and where should you share it?
A study was done at Emory University to see what made emotionally happy and healthy children.
They asked elementary children about their family history. You know…questions such as, where your grandparents grew up, where your parents attended high school….etc.
The study produced astounding results. The more the child new about their family history, the stronger their sense of control and created a higher self-esteem.
The answers to these types of questions turned out to be the best predicator of a child’s emotional health and happiness.
And this is why an your “About Page” matters.
Is it true that the more a company knows about you the better chance you have of making a connection?
About Page for a Business Etiquette Trainer and Speaker
The about page is one of the most important pages on your website. Why? The person making the decision to hire you wants to get to know about your experiences and the value you offer.
This is your opportunity to make a connection. Let them get to know you first.
And the way to let them get to know you is not by listing your credentials. This may surprise you.
The About Page is not a resume.
A stellar About Page is a time to let them know how you can help them. Restate the problem and why you are the solution.
Let them know you understand their dilemma.
Is there a way to connect with them? Have you been in their position?
What is Your Speaker Story
You can also start your About Page with a story. Maybe you can tell a story about a time when you didn’t use your best judgment in a business situation and you can share what you did and the outcome.
Maybe you have an observation about today’s workforce and want to share it here.
I am inviting you to be creative first. Then, you can share YOUR accomplishments….but first let them know how you can help accomplish their goals.
Have you Signed-Up to Watch Our FREE Business Etiquette Speaker Video Series? What Are You Waiting For?

Here Are Your Next Steps to Discover How You Can Become Certified to be a Business Etiquette Speaker

Most likely, you are interested in getting to know me. Would you like to set a time to speak? A video call is also an option.
Click on one of the links below and let me know your preference. One link is to set a time to speak, the other link will connect us via email.

We offer two training options.
One option is to train in-person, the other is a virtual training. Both trainings are very personal.
If you choose the in-person, we will mutually agree upon the dates and the location. Most major cities are available (Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Charlotte, etc.).
The virtual training is “live” via video. Again, we mutually decide on the dates. Most choose to have their trainings once a week, others twice. This is NOT self-guided. We work together every step of the way.
The cost of the license, certification and training is $4400 (virtual or in-person)
A benefit of the virtual training option is YOU save on travel costs.
To see what is included, click here to discover all the details. We are very proud and share what our materials look like and who our corporate clients are.

I help you launch your new business. I am with you every step of the way.