Unreasonable Hospitality for Business Etiquette Speakers

Where shall I begin?  This is a must read for any business and every industry! 

Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara, is a page turner that inspires and motivates us to give more than people expect.

Unreasonable Hospitality : A Must Read – Especially for Certified Business Etiquette Speakers

Unreasonable Hospitality a Must Read for Business Etiquette Speakers

The book is filled with details and the actions Eleven Madison Park takes to be consistently ranked in the World’s Top 50 Best Restaurants. Eleven Madison Park has earned three Michelin Stars. 

It is important we ask what can we do to elevate ordinary transactions into unforgettable experiences. 

Will Guidara, explains, “black and white means you are doing your job with competence and efficiency; “color” means you make people feel great about the job you are doing for them.”  

Engaging with the person you are serving, so you can make an authentic connection, now that is hospitality.  

As I speak with companies of all shapes and sizes this is the commonality most are seeking – that of a human connection – with co-workers and clients.  This skill is the missing link we are looking for in business and in our personal relationships. – a true connection. 

Will also goes into great detail about the debate as to whether hospitality can be taught.  What do you think?  

Will founded the Welcome Conference in 2014 for dining room professionals.  There are many conferences and organizations for chefs but not for servers and for those interacting in the dining room. Will, among others, believes how customers are served is as valuable as what they are served.

He goes on to note that when you create a hospitality first culture, everything about your business improves. Will believes hospitably is a selfish pleasure.  It feels great to make others feel good. 

Business Etiquette and The Human Connection

As a business etiquette speaker, one of my most popular modules is The Human Connection.  I have been delivering this topic for years.  I completely agree with all the principles in this book.  

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