Business Etiquette Training: My First Corporate Speaking Engagement and How I Got Booked

I can remember where I was and what I wore.  It as a very cold day in Philadelphia.  Driving downtown was still exciting for me. I was brand new to the city and did not know a soul.

I was all dressed up.  I have told you before how important it is to dress up and be who you truly are. 

This is a case where it paid off for me.

You never know who you will meet. 

I was attending a networking event.  The event was hosted by a professional women’s organization.

As I walked in, I placed my name tag on my right side.  I was shaking a greeters hand and she happened to notice the name of my company on the name badge. She asked many questions and commented how she was actually looking for a speaker on business etiquette.

Of course, I asked for her card.  And the rest is history.

This meeting was fortuitous and the one event led to many others with Deloitte.

Yes, my first corporate engagement was with Deloitte.  

This can happen for you.

We can show you how.  It is possible.

Step 1

Most likely, you are interested in getting to know me.  Would you like to set a time to speak?   A video call is also an option!

Contact American Etiquette

Contact American Etiquette

Click on one of the links below and let me know your preference.  One link is to set a time to speak, the other link will connect us via email.

You choose.

Step 2

We offer two training options. 

One option is to train in-person, the other is a virtual training.  Both trainings are very personal.  

If you choose the in-person, we will mutually agree upon the dates and the location.  Most major cities are available (Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Charlotte, etc.).  

The virtual training is “live” via video.  Again, we mutually decide on the dates.  Most choose to have their trainings once a week, others twice.   This is NOT self-guided.  We work together every step of the way.

The cost of the license, certification and training is $4400 (virtual or in-person)

A benefit of  the virtual training option is YOU save on travel costs.

To see what is included, click here and you will discover details about our business etiquette certification.  We are very proud and share what our materials look like and who our corporate clients are.

Step 3

I help you launch your new business.  I am with you every step of the way.

Click here to learn more about becoming a certified business etiquette speaker.

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American Etiquette Training

American Etiquette Links and Resources

What It Means To “Up-level” Yourself as a Business Etiquette Speaker

Etiquette Certification: What Confidence as a Business Etiquette Speaker Looks Like

Business Etiquette Certification: How to Have Grace and Grit as a Speaker and Trainer