New Business Etiquette Content You Can Deliver

The New Business Etiquette Content

I will get straight to the point because I know your time is valuable.  In fact, as we were planning our content for the month, I asked myself, “what can I do today for someone that wants to become a business etiquette speaker -how can I add value to help them get started”.

You have probably been reading our emails and wanting to take part, but you are feeling like maybe this won’t work for you – or you should wait a little longer until you have made more progress or feel “more ready”.

Maybe you have been thinking, “this sounds interesting-maybe I will do this one day”.

We all know “one day” turns into never.

Here is a secret, no one really ever feels ready.

I created a business etiquette speaker toolkit that is so good you will be amazed and my goal is for you to be inspired to get started.

Trust me, you are ready right now to get started. You must take action – a first step toward your goal to get started.

Download this FREE  video toolkit and get the confidence and clarity you need to become a speaker or trainer on the NEW business etiquette in today’s workplace…..with content that is relatable, real and relevant.

Have you downloaded the speaker toolkit?  If not, what are you waiting for!


Etiquette Speaker Toolkit

In the Business Etiquette Speaker and Trainer Toolkit You Receive

  • Why the New Business Etiquette is needed in the workplace
  • Videos and transcripts of 3 topics you can deliver right now
  • A downloadable guide with tips on how you can become a confident speaker

What You Will Learn from This Speaker Toolkit

If you are trying to launch as a business etiquette speaker or you are in the HR department and want to be the expert to deliver this to your employees, you must  

  • Master the basics of knowing the content to deliver
  • Gain the confidence as a speaker/trainer 

Right Now

  • You may be overwhelmed with information or not even know where to start
  • You might be questioning whether it is relevant, or even correct (we know we can’t believe everything we read online)
  • You want to add exceptional value to the companies that are choosing to hire you and you need content that delivers….without question.
  • What you have tried is not working so far

This video series will you get started.

Yes, I do believe it is important to know where your fork belongs.  That is not the NEW business etiquette!  

The New Business Etiquette is so much deeper.  Trust me, if a company wants to book you for a speaking engagement, they are looking for more value and more of an impact from you.

The resources I am about to share with you, are relevant, real and relatable for what is happening in today’s workplace.

Business Etiquette Certification

Here Are Your Next Steps to Discover How You Can Become Certified to be a Business Etiquette Speaker

Step 1

Most likely, you are interested in getting to know me.  Would you like to set a time to speak?   A video call is also an option.

Click on one of the links below and let me know your preference.  One link is to set a time to speak, the other link will connect us via email.

Step 2

We offer two training options.

One option is to train in-person, the other is a virtual training.  Both trainings are very personal.

If you choose the in-person, we will mutually agree upon the dates and the location.  Most major cities are available (Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Charlotte, etc.).

The virtual training is “live” via video.  Again, we mutually decide on the dates.  Most choose to have their trainings once a week, others twice.   This is NOT self-guided.  We work together every step of the way.

The cost of the license, certification and training is $4400 (virtual or in-person)

A benefit of  the virtual training option is YOU save on travel costs.

To see what is included, click here to discover all the details.  We are very proud and share what our materials look like and who our corporate clients are.

Step 3

I help you launch your new business.  I am with you every step of the way.

“In a business where relationships mean everything, Lisa provided our team with very practical tools to develop a polished, professional and authentic personal brand.”

Amy Weeden

Managing Director + Co-Founder
Propeller Consulting

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November 21, 2024 |
 business etiquette, business etiquette corporate trainer, business etiquette speaker


On-site or virtual training available

Schedule an On-site or Virtual Business Etiquette Training